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Taking Her Place Page 6

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

  “Anything going on between you two?”

  I feigned surprise. “Going on?”

  “You know what I mean. Are you two dating?”

  Another shocked look. “He’s my brother-in-law.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “It’s been known to happen. And you do look a lot like her.”

  “No, there’s nothing going on between us.”

  She smiled. “Not that it’s any of my business.”

  That’s right, it isn’t, bitch. But I just smiled back without replying.

  Chapter 17

  Ten minutes later we were all sitting around the table sharing a meatloaf and mashed potatoes dinner. It was obvious right away that Kelli wasn’t as good a cook as my mom, but it was edible.

  Julian and Bobby were swapping stories about their glory days of playing football and getting the sweetest pussy the high school had to offer. Of course, they didn’t go into detail about that last part, but it was obvious from their shared grins and chuckles, they were thinking about it.

  I thought it was a little weird that they’d both screwed the woman sitting beside me. I tried to picture it, but couldn’t – Julian, that is. Bobby was no problem. It wasn’t difficult to imagine him humping between Kelli’s spread thighs and going to town on her enormous, milk-filled boobs. Like father, like son, right?

  But Julian? No, that just didn’t compute. He belonged with Cheryl, and she’s the only one I could picture him with. Well, other than me, of course.

  As Bobby and Julian talked, Kelli split her attention between her son and Julian. She would feed Bobby Jr. small bits of food, and then watch Julian intently as he told his stories, or laughed at Bobby’s. It was like her husband no longer existed now that Julian was here. I was beginning to get an inkling why Julian wanted me to come with him tonight.

  After dinner, I helped clean up while the guys took the baby down to the basement.

  “So,” Kelli said, “how’s Julian doing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, with everything he’s gone through.”

  “He seems to be turning a corner.”

  She smiled. “That’s good to hear. Is he… you know?”

  “No, I don’t know.”

  “Back on the horse? With girls, I mean.”

  “We don’t discuss that, but I think it might be a little early for that.”

  “So he’s not dating anyone?”


  “And you two aren’t…?”

  “Kelli, I already answered that question.”

  “I’m just wondering. A year and a half is a long time for a man to go without a woman’s touch.”

  I shrugged. “I’m sure he’s dealing with it.”

  She smiled. “Yes, I’m sure he is.”

  We finished getting the kitchen in order and went downstairs to join the guys. Bobby Jr. was fussy, so Kelli took him upstairs to put him to bed.

  The guys continued to talk for a little while, then Bobby grinned at me. “I can’t believe how much you look like your sister.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, I hear that a lot.”

  His eyes swept down over my body, then back up again. “You look like her all over.”

  “Dude,” Julian said softly. “Knock it off.”

  Bobby smiled wider. “I’m just saying. She’s a fox, just like Cheryl was.”

  “That’s enough,” Julian said.

  I was feeling a little uncomfortable, so I said, “Where’s the bathroom?”

  “I’ll show you,” Bobby said, and started for the stairs.

  “I’m sure I can find it if you just tell me.” I said.

  “I have to go up anyway to get my high school yearbook. I want to show Julian something.”

  So I followed him up the stairs. At the top, we passed Kelli on her way down.

  “Keep Julian company,” Bobby said to his wife, “I’ll be back down in a few minutes.”

  He led me to the bathroom, and after I was finished, I washed up and headed back down to the basement. I went down the carpeted steps, and when I reached the bottom, a surprise was waiting for me.

  Julian and Kelli were kissing.

  Well, she was kissing him with her arms tightly around him, and he had his hands on her shoulders as if trying to push her away.

  “Hello?” I said, letting them know I was here.

  She let him go and smiled at me. “Oops, I guess you caught us.”

  Julian stepped back. “Kelli, what the hell was that?”

  She giggled. “You loved it.”

  He glared at her. “You’re married.”

  She shrugged and continued to smile. “It was just a kiss. For old time’s sake.”

  “It was inappropriate.”

  “Relax, Julian. It’s not like you’re dating anyone.”

  He glared at her for a long moment, then turned to me. “Beth, come here.”

  I walked to him, curious about what was going on. When I got close, he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against his side.

  “Kelli,” he said, staring at her with a frown, “we wanted to keep this a secret, but now I think you should know. Beth and I are more than just friends.”

  My eyebrows rose slightly.

  Kelli frowned. “What do you mean by more than just friends?”

  Julian tightened his arm. “Beth and I have grown very close lately. She’s helped me through a lot, and well… we’ve become lovers.”

  Kelli seemed surprised. “You’re screwing your wife’s sister?”

  Julian glared at her. “Cheryl’s gone. She’d want me to be happy. Beth and I have connected, and it’s very special between us, isn’t that right, Beth?”

  I picked up my cue and smiled at the redhead. “That’s right. Very special.” I slid one arm around Julian’s waist and placed my other hand on his chest as I pressed my breast against his side. “I’ve never had a lover quite like him.”

  I felt Julian flinch lightly from my touch, but Kelli didn’t notice as she continued to frown at us.

  “So,” I continued, “I’d appreciate it if you stopped kissing my guy.” I gave her a smile, trying to keep it light.

  She was about to reply, when we heard Bobby coming back down the steps. We all turned to see him standing there, holding a yearbook.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, looking slightly confused.

  “Julian and Beth are dating,” Kelli said.

  Bobby seemed surprised, and looked at Julian. “You are?”

  I could tell Julian was uncomfortable.

  “Yes,” Julian replied. “We wanted to keep it secret, but decided you should know.”

  Bobby grinned. “No wonder you were getting upset with me talking about her like that.”

  Julian nodded. “Yes, I don’t like it when people say things like that about my girl.” He gave me a squeeze with his arm.

  “I still don’t believe it,” Kelli said with a grin.

  “Well, it’s true,” Julian said, “so you can believe it.”

  “Let me see you two kiss,” she said, still smiling.

  “We don’t have to prove anything to you,” he replied.

  “You could if you were really dating,” she said, more confident now.

  “Kelli, just drop it,” Julian said.

  “Come on,” she said, “if you’re dating, just kiss her.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessa–”

  I cut off his words by turning to him and sliding my hand up around his neck, pulling his lips down to mine and kissing him softly. He seemed surprised and tried to pull away, but I kept a hold of his neck and continued to kiss. Finally, he relented and kissed me back, his arm circling my lower back as I arched into him.

  I tentatively touched my tongue against his lips, but he held them tight, refusing me entry. But after a few seconds he relented and parted them slightly. I probed into his mouth, and he met my tongue with his as our ki
ss intensified.

  It was so nice, that for a moment I forgot we had an audience. It was just him and me, sharing a sweet, intimate kiss.

  Finally, he pulled back, and we both opened our eyes to share a slightly surprised gaze.

  “Yeah, I’d say you two were dating,” Bobby said. “That was hot.”

  I glanced at Kelli, who was looking at us curiously. I smiled at her.

  “See?” I said. “Is that proof enough for you?”

  I realized my pussy was swollen and wet.

  She nodded slightly. “Maybe.”

  “Got the yearbook,” Bobby said. “Take a look at this.”

  He held the book up, open to a page. Julian slid his arm from around me and went over to stand beside his friend. Kelli came to me and took me by the elbow, pulling me away from the two guys. Then she spoke in a low voice.

  “Was that a first kiss?”

  I gave her a curious look. “No way. We kiss all the time.”

  She nodded, but continued to stare at me, as if studying my face.

  “So you two are intimate?”

  “Of course.”

  “So you’ve seen his cock?”

  I smiled. “Many times.”

  “So have I. Perhaps you’d like to describe it to me?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “To prove to me you’re not lying.”

  “Why would we lie about something like that?”

  “Just describe it.”

  “Hmm, let’s see. It’s about ten inches long, nice and thick, and has a nicely shaped head, which is a little bigger than the shaft.”

  She frowned.

  I smiled. “Are you satisfied?”

  She snorted. “Maybe it was a lucky guess.”

  “Or maybe I love sucking it, so I know it very well.”

  She frowned again.

  “And maybe you miss getting fucked by it,” I added.

  She sighed. “Oh god, yeah. Bobby, well, he just doesn’t measure up, if you know what I mean.”

  “Well, maybe if you hadn’t fucked Allen Wilcox at the Sadie Hawkins dance, you and Julian would still be together.”

  She seemed surprised. “He told you about that?”

  “Every detail. You blew it. So then he hooked up with Cheryl, and the rest is history. Now you’re married, and he’s with me.”

  “I just wanted a kiss, that’s all.”

  “He’s obviously not comfortable with that.”

  “God, he’s such a great fuck, isn’t he? I haven’t been fucked like that since.”

  “So why’d you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Screw Allen.”

  She shrugged. “I’d had a crush on Allen since the third grade. When the opportunity arose, I took it. It was stupid, but I didn’t think I’d get caught.”

  “Allen was a jerk. I know because he dated Cheryl for a while.”

  “Yeah, I dated him for a while too. He was a jerk.”

  “So, are we okay?”

  She smiled. “Yeah, sorry for kissing Julian.”

  “Apology accepted. You didn’t know.”

  “Are you going to fuck him tonight?”

  “Of course.”

  “You lucky bitch.”

  I laughed at her joke, but inside, the lie hurt. My pussy was wet and slick from being close to Julian, but I knew it would be my own fingers satisfying myself tonight, not his hard thickness.

  Chapter 18

  Julian backed his car out of the Haskins’ driveway, and then headed down the street.

  “Do you want me to take you home?” he asked.

  I glanced at the dashboard clock. “It’s only ten.”

  “My place then?”

  “That sounds good.”

  “Sorry about that back there. It was the only thing I could think of to keep her away from me.”

  “No problem. It was my idea anyway, remember?”

  He smiled. “That’s true.”

  “And sorry about the kiss. I just wanted to shut her up.”

  He chuckled. “You certainly did that. That was surprising.”

  “Hope you didn’t mind too much.”

  “Mind? I loved it. You’re a very good kisser.”

  I smiled. “Really?”

  “Of course. What were you two talking about afterwards?”

  “She still didn’t believe us. She wanted more proof.”

  “More proof? What do you mean?”

  “She wanted me to describe your cock to her.”

  He stared at me in surprise. “What?”

  I giggled. “It’s true. She wanted details.”

  “And what did you say?”

  “Well, I only got that quick glance, but I described it well enough that she finally believed me.”

  He shook his head and grinned. “I guess our dreams the other morning paid off then.”

  “I guess so.”

  “What else did you two talk about?”

  “She told me she regrets what she did with Allen.”

  “She said that?”

  “Yeah. She said you were a great fuck.”

  He chuckled. “If she hadn’t done that with Allen, Cheryl and I may’ve never gotten together, so I have her to thank.”

  “Then she asked me if I was going to fuck you tonight.”

  He smiled. “What did you say?”

  “I told her of course I was. Then she called me a lucky bitch.”

  He laughed. “Sorry to put you in that situation, but you handled it great. Thanks.”

  “Why’d you let her kiss you in the first place?”

  “I didn’t let her kiss me. She was talking about how unhappy she was with Bobby, and I was trying to comfort her. Then she just wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I was more surprised than anything else.”

  A few minutes later, we pulled into his apartment’s parking lot.

  “Last night for this place,” he said. “Moving tomorrow.”

  “Do you need any help?”

  “Bobby’s helping with the big stuff, but if you want to carry some boxes, I’d appreciate it. It’s not that much, actually.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Thanks. And since it’s Bobby, you’re going to have to pretend to be my girlfriend again.”

  I grinned. “I can do that too.”

  Inside his apartment, I made us some soft drinks and snacks, and we put on another movie, sitting beside each other on the couch.

  “Can I ask you something?” I said.


  “If Kelli wasn’t married, would you have done something with her?”

  “Done something?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He thought for a moment, then said, “No, I wouldn’t have done anything with her”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want to get involved with her.”

  “What if it was just physical?”

  “It wouldn’t be just physical. I know her. Once we did that, she’d consider us a couple, and she’d be relentless about it.”

  “And you don’t want that?”

  “No. Not with her, at least.”

  “With someone else?”

  He paused. “A few weeks ago, I would’ve said no to that, but I’m beginning to think it’s possible, with the right person.”

  “Who’s the right person?”

  “Someone who could just hang out with me and be comfortable. Someone who wouldn’t make a big deal about it. Just enjoy being with me. Know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I think I do.”

  “Someone like Kelli would want too much too soon. I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet. I may need to ease into it.”

  “Ease into it?”

  “The sex part of the relationship.”

  I nodded. “I see. So maybe sex without the sex?”

  His eyes met mine. “Exactly.”

  I smiled. “I guess that rules me out. I tried that once with you and it di
dn’t work out so well.”

  His gaze stayed on me. “I’ve apologized for reacting that way.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “You took me by surprise. I wasn’t ready for the question. I hadn’t thought about it.”

  I stared at him. “But now you have?”


  “Would your answer be the same?” I could feel my heart beating loudly.

  “No, it wouldn’t.”

  We stared at each other for a long moment, and then he leaned in and slid an arm around me. Our lips met, and there was no faking this time as we kissed. His lips were incredibly soft, and his tongue gently probed. I welcomed it inside and met it with mine as our bodies pressed together.

  Part of me couldn’t believe this was happening. I was kissing my brother-in-law – my sister’s husband – and we weren’t pretending this time.

  After a few moments, he pulled back, looking down at me. I stared back up at him, wondering what was next.

  “Call your mother,” he said softly. “Tell her you’re spending the night again. I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”

  I nodded and pulled out my phone as he got up and went down the hall. Mom answered on the third ring.

  “Beth? Is everything okay? How’d the dinner go?”

  “Everything’s fine. Dinner was fun, and now Julian and I are back at his apartment watching a movie.”

  “That’s great, honey. You’re really helping him.”

  “Tomorrow I’m going to help him move into his new apartment, so we figured it’d be easier if I slept here again.”

  “That’s fine, dear. Just call me in the morning and touch base.”

  “I will, Mom. Thanks.”

  “Goodnight, dear.”

  “Night, Mom.”

  I closed the phone and went down the hall to the bathroom. After using it, I walked to Julian’s bedroom, my legs feeling like jelly. Was this a dream?

  Chapter 19

  Julian was lying back in the bed, propped up on some pillows with the covers pulled up to his waist. He was obviously naked, and my eyes soaked in his wide chest covered in sparse hair as I stood at the foot of the bed. Even with his few extra pounds, my pussy pulsed wetly at the sight of his half-naked body.

  “Let me see you,” he said softly.

  Keeping my eyes on him, I undid my skirt and let it fall to the floor as I stepped out of my shoes. My blouse was long enough to cover my panties, and I began to unbutton it, starting at the bottom. As I worked my way upward, my underwear and then my stomach came into view, and Julian watched attentively.