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Taking Her Place Page 9

  “Ohhhh,” I groaned. “Don’t stop.”

  “Never,” he replied with a whisper, and continued to work his magic with his fingers, treating my little pussy to his years of experience. I dug my fingernails into his side and squeezed his cock painfully, holding on for the coming explosion.

  I began to gasp, my breasts heaving as I teetered on the edge. His fingers were relentless, rubbing and stroking as he pushed me to the brink.

  With a loud cry, my climax seared through me, causing me to cry out loudly and spasm in his embrace. I continued to groan and gasp as my cunt clenched tightly around his finger, throbbing in time to the waves of pleasure crashing over me. He stroked lightly at my clit, causing my pleasure to rise as my orgasm continued. I shuddered and panted, my body no longer under my control as I convulsed against him.

  It continued for several more blissful moments, and then it was over, reduced only to shuddering aftershocks. I slumped against him, and would’ve dropped to my knees in exhaustion if he hadn’t tightened his arm around my waist and held me to him. I rested my head against his chest and panted deeply, inhaling oxygen as my body recovered.

  He removed his hand from my pussy and slid his other arm around me, holding me to him as we stood under the hot spray.

  Chapter 23

  It took me a few moments, but I finally got my feet back under me and regained my balance in the shower. I leaned my head back and looked up at Julian, seeing him smiling softly down at me.

  “That was fun,” he said with a grin.

  I smiled sleepily up at him. “Oh yeah. Now it’s your turn.”

  “You don’t have to,” he replied.

  “Oh hush,” I said and placed my hands on his hips, urging him to turn around. When he did, I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and flipped open the cap with my thumb. Pressing against his side, I held the bottle up and squirted a line of the creamy liquid onto his cock, starting on the swollen head and drawing it down his shaft. After replacing the bottle, I gripped his cock with my hand and began to stroke it, working the shampoo over his engorged skin.

  He groaned his approval as the thick cream transformed into lather, and soon his entire cock was covered with frothy suds. I tightened my hand and continued to stroke him, all the way from the bulbous knob down to the root, then back up again, over and over with an urgent but slow pace.

  His erection was as hard as an iron bar, but had a soft exterior, allowing my hand to glide over its soapy surface. Each time I reached the head, my fingers bumped over the pronounced ridge, and he emitted a soft groan.

  I had my other arm around his back, but I slid it down, over his butt cheeks and then between, holding his ballsack from behind. I squeezed it gently and then began to roll his balls together, using a delicate touch with the sensitive organs.

  “Uhhhhh,” he groaned. “That’s nice.”

  Most of the shampoo lather dripped off down into the tub, but enough remained to keep his cock slick for my strokes. I kept a steady rhythm, jerking his dick as I continued to massage his nuts. Soon, his cock slit began to ooze with his pre-cum, adding further to the slickness of our contact.

  I paused my strokes for a moment to grip the head of his dick, working my fist over the swollen plum. Using my thumb, I rolled it over the sensitive spot just below the hole, causing him to groan even louder.

  “Getting close,” he whispered urgently.

  I resumed my stroking, keeping a firm grip as I slid my hand up and down his shaft. He stood there solidly, his body twitching from the pleasure as his rock-hard erection jutted out in a slight upward curve. I watched it intently, wanting to witness the coming explosion.

  My hand picked up speed, making a slick wicking sound as it stroked his rigid shaft. He began to chuff and pant, his eyes closed as he focused inward on the pleasure I was giving him.

  A clear drop of his pre-cum beaded at the tip, and then fell to the tub below, stretching into a long string before finally breaking.

  “Ohhhhh,” he groaned. “Ohhh, I’m coming.”

  With a loud grunt, he went over the edge, his body bucking in my embrace. I watched raptly as his cock pulsed powerfully in my grip, and then jetted out a white ribbon of his cum. It arced gracefully through the air before landing with a splat against the tiled wall at the far end of the tub. A second, more powerful spurt came next, splashing into a myriad of droplets as it impacted the wall also.

  He continued to groan and grasp as I stroked his dick, watching as it fired salvo after salvo of his hot seed. The third jet barely reached the end of the tub, and each succeeding spurt grew weaker, until the last just dribbled from the tip and dripped down into the water below.

  I stopped my stroking and held his cock in my hand, feeling it pulsing and throbbing as his climax waned. He panted in exhaustion as his body relaxed, and I repaid the favor of supporting him in his weakened state. His dick began to soften in my hand, and I turned him around to allow the spray of water to wash it clean.

  When I was done, I stepped close to him and slid my arms up around his neck as I rested my head on his chest. His arms moved around me, resting at the small of my back as we held onto each other under the warm spray.

  Chapter 24

  “I ordered a new TV,” he said as we sat next to each other on the couch, enjoying the pizza that’d been delivered a few minutes ago.

  “Is it a nice one?” I asked.

  “Of course,” he said with a grin. “A nice big flat screen. And my cable will be installed tomorrow.”

  I smiled. “Sounds like you’re moving up in the world.”

  “You could say that. They’re already talking about a promotion at work.”

  “That’s great,” I said proudly. “You’ll be running the place in no time.”

  He laughed softly. “I wouldn’t say that, but I feel like my career is back on track. It’ll take some time, but I’ll get there.”

  “I have no doubt about that. I’m glad to see things turning around for you.”

  His eyes met mine. “In more ways than one.”

  I smiled, knowing what he meant. “Can I spend the night here tonight?”

  “You’d better not. Mom’s not stupid, and if you keep spending the night here she’s going to figure things out. And I’m not ready for that yet.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  He placed his hand on my knee. “If things are meant to happen, we’ll get there.”

  I rested my hand on top of his. “I know. Do you want them to happen?”

  He paused before answering. “When we’re together like we were in the shower, yes, I want them to happen. But then when we’re not, and I remember you’re Cheryl’s sister, things get a little weird in my head.”

  I nodded. “I feel the same way. I always saw you as belonging to her, and it’s weird to be in her place.”

  He turned his hand over and squeezed mine. “We’ll take it slow. As long as it keeps feeling right, we’ll keep going. Does that sound okay?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  “But it’s important that your family doesn’t find out, at least for now. I don’t think they’d understand what we’re doing.”

  I nodded again. “You’re right. Especially Mom.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, especially Mom.”

  That night, I lay alone in my bed missing Julian’s warm body to snuggle against. I’d already touched myself while reliving my shower experience with him, and now I was relaxed and content as I drifted toward sleep.

  I knew that I’d be completely happy if I was getting involved in a relationship with someone other than my brother-in-law. Julian was perfect in every way, and every time he put his hands on me I felt more alive than I’d ever felt before.

  But along with the pleasure came the guilt, and I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about my sister when I thought about Julian. When I’d told him that he needed to find someone new, I never intended that person to be me. But as we became closer with each of our intimate
encounters, I realized more and more that we were falling for each other.

  Chapter 25

  On Sunday morning Mom gave me the third degree about Julian’s new apartment, and I tried to keep a nonchalant tone as I related all the details. When she asked me if I was going over for the day to help him arrange his things, I just shrugged and said he could probably handle it on his own. Even though I desperately wanted to go over and spend the day with him, I took his warning about Mom seriously and played it down, not wanting to arouse her suspicions.

  I didn’t hear from Julian again until Wednesday, and even then it was through Mom. When I got home from my lifeguard job, she informed me that he’d called and asked the entire family to come over and visit him on Saturday. He said to bring our swimsuits, and we could spend the day at the apartment pool before having dinner at his place.

  So on Saturday I found myself sitting in the backseat of our family SUV with my two younger brothers as we drove over to Julian’s. Mom and Dad seemed to be in a good mood, and my brothers were their usual annoying selves, teaming up to pick on me.

  “You smell,” Travis said, who was sitting on my left.

  “It’s perfume,” I replied. “You’ll understand when you grow up.”

  “I’m thirteen,” he said, looking unhappy.

  “Like I said, when you grow up.”

  Sam, my other brother on my right side snickered and said, “Beth thinks she’s going to meet some guy at the pool.”

  “Maybe I will,” I said. “You never know.” I gave him a mysterious smile.

  Travis made a loud kissing sound against the back of his hand, causing his brother to laugh.

  “Yeah right,” Sam said, “like any guy would want to kiss you.”

  I smiled again. “Like I said, you never know.” A year ago, their taunts probably would’ve gotten to me, but now I had enough self-confidence to ignore them. Especially now that I was involved with Julian. If someone like him was interested in me, I had no reason to doubt myself.

  But mom turned around anyway, and gave my brothers a scorching look. “Would you to knock it off,” she said. “Stop picking on your sister. One more time and were turning this car around and going home.”

  Mom had been threatening us with that line since we were little, and none of us took it seriously. But my brothers must’ve noticed they weren’t bothering me, and ignored me for the rest of the trip.

  My brothers had a great time in the pool, while my parents and Julian and I sat in poolside lounge chairs soaking up the midday sun. I was wearing my bikini, which I wasn’t allowed to wear while I worked, since it was required that all the lifeguards wear matching one-pieces handed out by the pool.

  But Julian and I were sitting on opposite sides of my parents, not wanting to give them any impression that we were together. He was wearing a pair of blue trunks and a T-shirt, depriving me of a view of his fantastic chest.

  At one point my brothers were wrestling with each other in the water, trying to dunk the other. Julian got off his chair and ran towards them, leaping off the edge of the pool and landing in a perfect cannonball right next to them, swamping them with a huge wave of water. My parents and I laughed as the two boys came up sputtering, wondering who’d just exploded their world. When they saw it was Julian, they laughed and jumped on him together, trying to dunk their much larger brother-in-law.

  “He looks good,” Mom said quietly, staring into the pool

  Dad and I nodded, both of us knowing who she was talking about.

  “You’ve done a great job, Beth,” Dad said.

  “He just needed a small push,” I said. “He’s done the rest on his own.”

  “I’m proud of you,” Dad said, surprising me because he was usually stingy with his praise.

  “Thanks,” I replied, watching Julian laugh as he roughhoused with the boys in the water. Once again, I wondered what my parents would say if they knew the truth.

  Chapter 26

  A couple of hours later, Julian announced he was going upstairs to start preparing dinner. Mom offered to help, but he turned her down, telling her he wanted to do this for the family. He told us to come up to his apartment at four o’clock, which was a little over an hour away.

  “You sure you don’t need my help?” Mom asked as he headed off.

  He waved back and said, “Relax, I got it.”

  He wasn’t gone a minute, when Mom said, “Beth, you should go help him.”

  “He said he didn’t need any help,” I said.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s rude that we’re not helping. At least one of us should go up there, and since you’re closest to him, it should be you.”

  “Honey,” Dad interjected, “he said he didn’t want any help.”

  “I know what he said, dear,” Mom said, “but I’m telling you it’s rude.”

  “It’s not rude if he told us not to help,” Dad replied.

  “He didn’t want to impose,” Mom said stubbornly. “Cooking dinner is a big job, especially for a guy. He needs help.”

  “No, he doesn’t,” Dad insisted.

  I stood up from my chair. “Okay, okay,” I said. “Let’s not start a fight. Tell you what. I’ll go upstairs and ask him once again if he needs help. If he refuses, I’ll come back down. If I don’t come back, that means he accepted. Is that okay with both of you?”

  “Fine,” Dad said, waving his hand at me.

  “Don’t let him refuse,” Mom said. “Tell him you’re helping and that’s it.”

  “Helen,” Dad said with exasperation. “Would you just let it go?”

  “Hmph,” Mom replied. “I’m just trying to help.”

  I rolled my eyes and headed off. This apartment had a nice elevator, but since Julian’s place was only one floor up, I took the stairs.

  When I knocked on the door, I saw a shadow in the peephole, then the door opened to reveal my smiling brother-in-law. He looked around to see if I was alone.

  “Sorry,” I said, “but Mom insisted I–”

  That’s all I got out before he reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me through the doorway and into his arms. As he closed the door behind us, he kissed me passionately.

  I immediately arched my body into his, feeling his strength as our lips met. His tongue probed and I accepted it, sucking it gently between my lips.

  A few moments later, he pulled back.

  “I missed you,” he said, his voice slightly husky.

  I smiled. “I can tell.” I pressed my hips against his, feeling the beginnings of an erection.

  “God, you look amazing in that bikini. You’ve been driving me nuts all day.”

  I giggled and placed my hands on his chest, feeling the heat of his body through the slightly damp T-shirt. “And you’ve been hiding your body from me all day. It’s just not fair.”

  He smiled. “Did you come up to help?”

  “Yeah, Mom insisted.”

  “I figured she would. Besides, I could use the help. How long do you bake chicken?”

  I laughed. “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen.”

  Ten minutes later we had the breaded chicken safely in the oven, and I checked the pots containing the water for the corn and potatoes. Everything was on schedule.

  “What’s next?” he asked.

  “We should probably set the table.”

  He had one of those dining room tables with an extra leaf, so he put it in while I collected the plates and silverware.

  “The place looks nice,” I said. “You’ve got everything put away.”

  “I also got a few new things. Like this table, and did you notice the new television?”

  “Not yet, but I’m sure it’s great.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, the place shaping up.” He pushed the ends of the table together, trapping the leaf between.

  I set the stack of plates with the napkins and silverware on them on the table. “Come here,” I said.

  He walked to me, wearing a slight smile. “What’s

  I slid my hands up around his shoulders, and pressed myself against him.

  “I want to give you a housewarming present,” I said, still smiling up at him.

  He looked slightly to the side down at my body. “I’m pretty sure you’re not hiding a blender in that bikini.”

  I laughed. “It’s not that kind of present.”

  His hands rested at the small of my back, holding me to him.

  “It’s much more personal than a blender,” I said.

  “You bought me a can opener? I’ve always wanted one of those.”

  “Nope. Guess again.”

  “Spice rack?”


  “Egg timer?”

  “Not even close.” I slid down his body and dropped to my knees on the wooden floor.

  His eyebrows went up slightly. “A whisk?”

  I smiled and reached for the front of his trunks, fishing out the drawstring. I pulled one end, undoing the bow.

  “Not a whisk,” I said softly. “Like I said, it’s personal.”

  He exhaled a sigh, but remained silent as he stared down at me, his eyes filling with lust.

  I tugged down on the front of the trunks. They were still damp, which made it a little more difficult, but after a moment I finally got his cock to spring free. It arched out towards my face in a downward arc, looking even more intimidating from this angle.

  “Are you sure?” he said softly.

  I smiled up at him and answered his question by taking the middle of his dick in my hand and guiding the head to my mouth. He groaned as I closed my lips just past the raised ridge.


  He tasted like clean male with a little bit of chlorine added, and I began to suck him, using my tongue on the sensitive skin of his cockhead.